Advertisement is a graph that analyzes indicators of advertising, showing at which level players watch ads the most, what types of ads as well as where ads are viewed the most.
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Advertisement is a graph that analyzes indicators of advertising, showing at which level players watch ads the most, what types of ads as well as where ads are viewed the most.
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Types of ads: including 2 main types of ads: Rewarded and Interstital.
Where the ad is viewed.
VD: Revive_ad: Players watch ads to revive,...
The graph shows the total number of ad views of the game over each day.
For example, Figure 1.1 shows that August 5, 2024 has the most number of viewed ads...
The graph shows the total number of ad views distributed by level.
For example, Figure 2.1 shows level 3 with the most viewed ads.
Thanh kéo thể hiện tỉ lệ quảng cáo trên một tập level chiếm bao nhiêu so với tổng lượng quảng cáo trên toàn bộ level (Tỉ lệ phân bổ quảng cáo theo level).
The diagram shows the AVG ad views of 1 player playing the game in the day(Including players who don't watch any ads).
Formula: Impression/DAU
Impression: The total number of ads for the day.
DAU (Daily Active User): The number of active players during the day.
For example, Figure 3.1 shows that on Aug 2, 2024, 209345 players open the game, and the average player who opens the game will see 83.52 ads.
The diagram shows the AVG ad views of 1 player who watches an ad during the day
Formula: Impression/ DEU
Formula: Impression/ DEU Impression: The total number of ads for the day.
DEU (Daily Engaged User): The number of players who watched at least 1 ad during the day.
For example, Figure 4.1 shows that on Aug 1, 2024, 166920 players opened the game and viewed at least one ad, an average of 102.26 ads per player.
The diagram shows the AVG ad views of 1 player playing the game in the level group by level (Including players who don't watch any ads).
Formula: Impression/LAU
Impression: The total number of ads for the level.
LAU (Level Active User): The number of active players during the level.
For example, Figure 5.1 shows that at level 21, there are 18,378 players opening the game, and the average player who opens the game will see 71.36 ads.
ARPDAU: Average Revenue Daily Active User
Formula ARPDAU = Total advertising revenue in period X / Total number of active users in period X.
For example, Figure 6.1 shows that on August 2, 2024, with revenue from ad views of 11,389($), there are 209,345 active users -> ARPDAU is 5.44(¢).
eCPM ( Effective cost per thousand impressions)
This is the revenue earned by a publisher (an app owner) for every 1000 ad impressions displayed on their app. Publishers use this metric to measure campaign performance and drive maximum value from their ad space.
Formula: eCPM = (Total Revenue Ads / Total Impressions) x 1000.
For example, Figure 7.1 shows that on August 2, 2024, with revenue ads is 11,389 ($), and ad impressions are 17,483,485 times, eCPM is 0.65 ($).