Data4Game - Analytics: A system that analyzes data into visual charts such as Level Chart, Session, Inapp, Advertisement, Resource,...
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Data4Game - Analytics: A system that analyzes data into visual charts such as Level Chart, Session, Inapp, Advertisement, Resource,...
Last updated
The layout of a chart page consists of 2 parts:
Here displays the information that the developer wants to filter to see more detailed data (Red circled area Figure 1).
General filters that all charts have (red circled area Figure 1.1):
Game: list of added games, select game to see the chart.
Platform: Android, IOS.
Country: country list.
Version: the list of app versions for each game.
Date range: the time period you want to filter for the chart.
Event Day: the data is displayed according to the timestamp recorded by the system calculated in UTC +0.
Install Day: Data is displayed according to the time the user first entered the game after installation according to the user's local time.
Filter specific to each chart (green circled area Figure 1.1): e.g. chart Level: Dificultly. Advertisement charts with Ad Type, Ad Where,...
Filter arises (yellow Figure 1.1): for example, the Inapp chart has Retention Day: filter the player set by the date of the app installation,...
The chart shows data by the filter above.
Default: None (Figure 2.1)
In addition, you can group by criteria: Version, Country, Difficulty,...
Let's take an example of comparing the difficulty on the passer between different versions:
Information about the criteria when grouping is arranged from large to small in order of top to bottom, left to right.
For example, Figure 2.3 shows the greatest difficulty of version 1.0.96, followed by 1.0.101,...