1. Configuration and installation
Provides tools to call advertisements from various Mediations such as: IronSource, Max.
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Provides tools to call advertisements from various Mediations such as: IronSource, Max.
Last updated
+ FalconMediation uses the Firebase.Analytics libraries to log advertisements. These two packages must be installed with version Firebase.Analytics.10.5.0
+ FalconMediation will use a library (IronSource or Max) along with GoogleMobileAds. Install according to the versions as directed below:
Android + iOS: IronSource 7.9.1 + GoogleMobileAds 9.0.0 + IronSource Adquality 7.14.3
For using MAX : compatible with all Unity versions
Android + iOS: Max 6.3.1 + GoogleMobileAds 9.0.0
Download and import the corresponding IronSource (or MAX) + GoogleMobileAds. Then proceed to install the FalconMediation library as per the following instructions.
Go to the Falcon/Falcon Analytic/FalconMediation menu, select the corresponding network (Ironsource or MAX). Choose to import it into the game, for example, here select FalconIronSource 1.1.0
In case of using MAX, after installing FalconMax 1.1.0, you need to install the corresponding Adapter for Max
If you are NOT using any adapter, uncheck that adapter and keep the ones you will use to import into the game.