3. Instruction manual
Last updated
Last updated
If used in conjunction with Falcon UMP, then drag the Script PopupConsent onto the first scene of the game. The Popup Consent will be automatically processed according to Google standards, and there is no need to worry about the Init Mediation part anymore.
If you're NOT using Falcon UMP and there's a specific function you need to call
where 'settings' is Resources.Load, 'OnMediationInitialized' is the action that will be called upon successful initialization.
Ads formats have been loaded automatically
Show: void FalconMediation.ShowBanner()
Hide: void FalconMediation.HideBanner()
Check if available: bool FalconMediation.IsInterstitialReady()
Show: void FalconMediation.ShowInterstitial(), this function already includes checking whether ads are available or not, but still provides a check function for users.
Check if available: bool FalconMediation.IsRewardedVideoReady()
Show: void FalconMediation.ShowRewardedVideo(), this function already includes checking whether ads are available or not, but still provides a check function for users.
App open will be automatically called when transitioning from background to foreground.