Level is a chart that analyzes the stats in the game by level. For example, which level the player loses the most, which level takes the most time to play, which level the player focuses on the most,.
I. Filter
1. Difficultly
Difficulty levels are defined in the game (If games do not have difficulty but have many minigames in 1 game, it can be used to define minigames).
EXP: easy, normal, hard (mini game 1, mini game2,...),...
II. Chart
1. AVG fail to pass level
The average number of FAIL plays of 1 player to PASS through that level (How many turns a player must play FAIL to pass the level). Looking at the chart, we will know which level is too difficult, or which level is too easy, thereby optimizing to increase user experience.
Formula: Difficulty = Fail play count/Pass player count
Difficulty: Average number of FAIL plays by 1 player
Fail play count: The total number of FAIL plays of players who have PASSED through the level.
Pass player count: The total number of players who have PASSED that level.
Level here is the player's current level
For example, Figure 1.1 shows that at level 45, each player needs to play Fail 4.07 turns to pass level 45.
2. AVG fail to stop game
The average number of FAIL plays of 1 player that has NOT PASSED past that level. (How many times players play FAIL, they quit the game.)
Formula: Difficulty = Fail play count/Fail player count
Difficulty: The average number of FAIL plays by 1 player.
Fail play count: The total number of FAIL plays of players who have NOT PASSED through the level.
Fail player count: The total number of players who have NOT PASSED past that level.
Level here is the player's current level
Example: Figure 1.2 shows that at level 45, each player who plays Fail an average of 3.66 turns still cannot pass level 14.
3. Player drop rate by level
The graph shows the percentage of players who have not passed the level.
Formula: Total players not past level*100/ Total players who have passed the level just before.
For example, Figure 1.3 shows that 9.51% of players are not past level 14.
4. Player count by level
The chart shows what level the player is at.
Level here is the highest level the player has passed.
Note: Player A has passed level 100, but if they want to return to level 5 to earn resources, player A is still counted as being at level 100.
5. Average playtime
There are statuses Pass, Fail, RePlayPass, RePlayFail,...
The chart shows the average time to Pass, Fail, RePlayPass, RePlayFail 1 level
Level here is the player's current level
Formula: Total playing time / Number of plays
Unit: Seconds
III. Notes
There will be playing states: Pass, Fail, RePlayPass, RePlayFail
If the player has not passed, Fail will be sent as many times as possible.
If the player passes, when replaying, Fail will not be sent, it will be sent as RePlayFail.
Once the player has a Pass, the next time you play the Pass again, it will be sent as RePlayPass.
Example: Player A plays level 5 for the 10th time, then passes. After passing, that player plays level 5 again 3 more times, in 3 times there are 2 passes, 1 time fails, the data will be logged as follows: player A has 9 LOG plays fail at level 5 and 1 LOG pass at level 5, 2 LOG of replaypasses at level 5 and 1 LOG of replayfails at level 5.
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