Version 2.x.x
Currently, the SDK has 2 logs that are automatically implemented:
RetentionLog: player retention statistics, processed through the RetentionCounter class.
UserTotalTimeLog: statistics of the player's total game time per play, processed through the TotalUserTimeCounter class.
1. RetentionCounter
Make a log call once a day when the player logs in, the player's retention is calculated by subtracting the current date from the first login date (For example, the player is entering for the first time on March 2, quitting the game on March 3 and March 4, then logging in again on March 5, then a player's retention on March 5 will be calculated as 5-2 = 3).
Retention information is stored on the player's local machine and is lost if the player uninstalls the game.
If you want to change the player retention count, refer PlayerParams
2. TotalUseTimeCounter
Perform a count of the player's total playing time in 1 playthrough, the game time counting does not count the amount of time the player exits the game window (when the player presses the home/app overview button on the phone).
The player's current session play time will be loaded and sent at the beginning of the player's following login session, i.e. playing time in the last session of the player lifecycle will not be recorded.
Last updated